[TowerTalk] Fwd: CC&R's
Roger (K8RI)
K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Tue Aug 17 19:02:15 PDT 2010
On 8/17/2010 9:53 PM, Roger (K8RI) wrote:
> On 8/17/2010 12:49 PM, Joseph or Ruth Patrick wrote:
>> I would say if your a ham looking to purchase property and thinking of putting
>> up some kind of size able antenna then stay away from HOA'S,CC&RS,DEED
>> RESTRICTIONS,P&Z CODES and anything else that even smells like a problem. It's
>> hard enough getting thru the permitting process. You don't need anymore serious
>> problems. An HOA can be a real nightmare and make getting a building permit seem
>> easy. Sadly there are not many properties without some kind of restrictions. I
>> would stop in and meet with the Building official and get his opinion (in
>> writing,good luck with that). Stop P&Z while your there and pay them a
>> visit.Bottom line as they say in real estate is LOCATION< LOCATION, LOCATION.
>> Taking to the neighbors is not a bad idea either.I would say 90% of the time
>> permits can be obtained. You just have to know how to do it, and every town and
>> city does it different. Just mt HMO.
> In our Township, (Midland Country, Home Township, Michigan)
<sheesh!> Midland County, Homer Township.
Roger (K8RI)
> Ham radio
> towers are written into the zoning. We could go to 80' although I think
> I heard it's been raised to 100' without a zoning permit and if it's not
> required they don't issue them. When I put mine up it required a
> permit at 100'. The only requirements that had to be met were set back
> rules (if it falls it has to fall on your own property unless you have a
> wavier from your neighbor(s)) and it had to be properly engineered. They
> were quite willing to accept the engineering in the ROHN catalog.
> They came out once to look at the hole with the crushed rock in the
> bottom that was ready for the pour. They never did look at the guy
> anchor installation, nor inspect the finished installation that I ever saw.
> I have no complaints from any neighbors and the other evening when I was
> taking down the 40' Aluminum tower with the AV-640 on it and the 30' of
> 25 G next to it, one neighbor and his wife came over and dug out the
> bases for me. They said they will be back to dig the hole for the 50'
> 25G as soon as I'm ready to put in the base.
> BTW, I *finally* got started on the 40M3-125 today, or at least
> assembled the boom.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
>> 73 K4XZ Joe Patrick
>> ________________________________
>> The problem you will have is not necessary the writing but the CC&R board. They
>> may simple
>> come and tell you to take the tower down for whatever reason. I would, myself
>> stay away from anything that even smell CC&R. I have a pain in ... just now as
>> it is with my little "one-horse-town" with being able to erect a tower.
>> You can check yourself,
>> http://www.dvalnews.com/view/full_story/9109435/article-Zoning-board--neighbors--consider-ham-radio-tower-application?
>> Hans - N2JFS
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Doug Ferguson<thenewt at msn.com>
>> To:towertalk at contesting.com
>> Cc: 'Doug Ferguson'<thenewt at msn.com>
>> Sent: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 3:34 am
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] CC&R's
>> I am considering buying a piece of property which would be perfect for my 72
>> ft. tower and
>> a couple antennas. However when the realtor pulled out the CC&R's, the
>> following line
>> was found : "large satellite dishes and roof-mounted television antennas
>> are not allowed".
>> It does not specifically preclude a ham tower and antennas but I'm worried
>> that someone
>> could cause a problem based on the "spirit" of the line. There is no HOA.
>> This was put
>> in by the original developer based on the city guidelines.
>> I'm hoping someone on the list can tell me if I could have a problem or if I
>> need some lawyerly advice?
>> Thanks, 73
>> Doug - N7NM
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