[TowerTalk] cable locating

Blake Bowers bbowers at mozarks.com
Sun Aug 29 21:43:16 PDT 2010


is now nationwide.

They do not NORMALLY mark private lines, they only mark
member utilities.  They are paid by the utilities, and in some areas
you may have 3 or more different locators come out, as some
utilities do their own.

I use this service in many different states, in many areas, and each
one is just a little different than the others.

You can call them and ask if they mark private lines in your area.

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "M. Castellano" <km1r at comcast.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 10:26 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] cable locating

> Every state by law has a free "Call Before You Dig" service funded by the 
> utilities. It will be either an "800" number, or in some place (like 
> Tennessee) simply dial 811.
> You tell them you are running a trench and there are cables in the area. 
> They come out and in within an hour they have your cables flagged.
> they have been here two or three times , and marked out my three 1500 ft 
> runs.
> No need to rent ($$) equipment for something that is provided for.  :)
> 73!
> Mike KM1R
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