[TowerTalk] AB-1339 Mast

K4tmc at aol.com K4tmc at aol.com
Mon Feb 1 09:21:20 PST 2010

Unfortunately, I do not have any of these nice surplus telescopic masts 
available for sale.  The 15 meter AB1339 and its 10 meter sibling, the AB1342, 
are made by Wibe in Sweden.  Do a Google search for "Wibe masts" and you can 
find information.  They are very expensive to buy new, starting around $8K.

I do have one of both models for my own personal use in my 
antenna-restricted neighborhood during contests.  K6VVA has 2 of the 10M units for his 
remote station (re latest NCJ).  K4XD has one each of the units incorporated in 
his contest station.  And, one other PVRC member in VA has one that he got 
off of eBay (I think).  I have not seen any others show up in station 

The sad story is that since 9/11/01 almost all military surplus 
communications gear is designated for destruction prior to selling as scrap.  The Wibe 
masts were used a lot in the recent military activities in the Mid-East.  
The design allows desert sand to just flow through the spaces between the 
sections.  A few years ago, I was at the surplus yard down at Ft. Bragg and saw 
a dozen skids with these stacked high 10 - 20 per skid.  They were all 
designated for destruction.  Discussions with the staff got me nowhere.  If 
anyone has any clout with someone in the government, feel free to let them know 
how much usable emergency communucation gear is being wasted.

Henry Pollock - K4TMC


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