[TowerTalk] N Connectors

W5CPT w5cpt at bellsouth.net
Tue Feb 9 17:25:50 PST 2010

You probably bought those at TT as I sold a bunch of them when I worked for Gerald. I would assume he still has them.  I will disagree with the "easier to use" part though.  I learned to install N connectors in the military as that is what all the UHF & SHF stuff used, and still prefer putting an N on than a PL-259 any day.  BTW: the HF & VHF all had BNCs and I prefer those over PL-259s also.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan 
  To: TowerTalk at contesting.com 
  Sent: 09 February, 2010 6:15 PM
  Subject: [TowerTalk] N Connectors

  Ten years or so ago when I lived in Dallas, I picked us several type N 
  connectors of an unusual construction. They resembled
  PL259's in appearance. They unscrewed into 2 parts. The center pin was 
  held in a teflon cylinder in the cable attach part. They are easier to 
  use than conventional N connectors. Does anyone know where these can be 
  purchased today?

  73, Dan, N5AR

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