[TowerTalk] Wind Loads from N0AH

(N0AH) Bryon "Paul" Veal bryonveal at msn.com
Thu Feb 18 20:51:02 PST 2010

You have to be careful sometimes with what tower and/or antenna companies 
provide as they might relate to your specific installation.

In my case in 2007 with a 19 foot roof tower,  the tower manufacture maybe 
should have been applying IRC-2003 codes, (International Residential Codes), 
and IBC-2003 codes, (Int'l Building Code)  versus the supplied BOCA codes 
which were outdated in many states. In fact, at the time, close to 90% of 
the building departments in my state of Colorado had been using these 
updated codes for the past 3-4 years.   For my roof top tower, within these 
codes, I had to use the TIA-222-F-96 guidelines and had to hire an engineer 
to provide a PE stamp and drawings for my tower installation for my county's 
approval.   There are even more up-to-date codes now. They change 

This was for the installation plans resulting in a PE stamp. The structural 
analysis of the tower itself is typically done by the manufacturer's 
engineer.  Your engineer should take the tower and antenna manufacturer's 
information, study your installation site, and then be able to provide you 
on what needs to be done to support the antenna and tower safely based on 
your county's code.  I believe that this is the safest way to insure a safe 
beginning to the tower installation process.

We have a lot of wind variables here in Colorado including high winds and 
ice build up that I don't believe every company stating wind load takes into 
account for specific installations.  As complicated as this process sounds, 
the PE charges were under $500.00, less than my home owner's insurance 
deductible,  and my contractor was provided the specifics to construction 
materials needed.  My permit with the county went through without a problem 
as did the final inspection.


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