[TowerTalk] TIC Ring cable sizing

Zivney, Terry L. 00tlzivney at bsu.edu
Thu Feb 25 16:31:24 PST 2010

I use 7 x #18 cable - 3 for the pot and double the others (equivalent to #15) for 400 foot plus
runs to my 1022 rings.   Works fine with moderate sized antennas (11 element 38 foot boom
10/15meter duobanders or smaller).  For a larger antenna, still just one motor, a 48 foot boom
5el 20 with 2el Cushcraft 40 elements interlaced, this proved inadequate.  I used #14 Romex
for the motor leads on that ring, which now turns as fast as the smaller antennas.

Terry Zivney, N4TZ/9

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