[TowerTalk] Neverseize on rohn tower legs

Robert West robert.west at eatmoresoap.com
Mon Jan 4 18:11:33 PST 2010


The reason that Rohn says not to use the neverseize is because when you bolt
the sections together, it crimps the sections together.  The design relies
on friction between the two parts to add strength.  However, I have always
been HAPPY to see neverseize on sections when taking one down.  :)  

The important thing here, that I see, is that crimp it makes.  This "mates"
the two sections together so when you take it down, do yourself a favor by
marking every section and it's mate so that when you reassemble it, the
sections go together the way they were when you took it down.  Don't rely on
a sharpie marker or any other such method, a metal engraver is the best
thing to use.  They're cheap, the kind you would mark things for security
purposes.  Mark all 3 legs.  If you don't you'll find that you can't get
those things back together for nothin'!

Also, if you use a scissor jack, you would be wanting a length of 2x4 on it,
do yourself another favor and clamp that wood to the jack so it can't come
off.  One less thing to juggle up on the tower.  I've seen a few guys no
attach that 2x4 and lose it in a hurry.


anthony wrote:
> I errected my rohn 25g in 1999 using neverseize on each leg for easy
disassembly, Now that I might move Im not sure how to remove each section. I
do have a very well made gin pole but how in the heck will I pull the
sections apart??? I was thinking a 2x6 board and a small hydraulic car jack.
Any other Idea's would greatly be appreciated. thanks guys.
> tony k2vi
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