[TowerTalk] 80 mts wire yagi

Jorge Diez - CX6VM cx6vm.jorge at adinet.com.uy
Sun Jan 10 06:06:11 PST 2010



I am looking for dimensions for a 3 elements wire yagi for 80 mts CW.


Will be installed temporarily for ARRL contest, then will take it down


If someone use one and have the data will be much appreciated: elements
length, separation from driven el.  to director and to reflector.


I can hang a rope at 100 fts level in my tower going far away maybe 350-400
feets and then hold the elements from there.


Will be in a declination from tower to ground, I don´t know if this is too


How about the ends of the elements, I think is better to be as high as
possible, right?,, because the elements will hang like wide inverted V´s.


I thought to put just a sloper to north, but I think the 3 el wire yagi will
be too much better, right? If you think will be not difference, really the
sloper will be easy to install.


Thanks in advance..









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