[TowerTalk] mailing list etiquette

D Calder towertalk at n4zkf.com
Mon Jan 11 11:46:47 PST 2010

And this all has to do with WHAT tower?

73 Dave n4zkf
n4zkf at n4zkf.com

-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of John Kemker
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 2:32 PM
To: Bill K2OWR
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] mailing list etiquette

Bill, my post was neither a "flogging" nor a "scold," as you seem to 
characterize it.  I have no problem with you expressing your opinion.  I 
don't understand why you seem to have a problem with me expressing 
mine.  Neither you, nor Marlon, are victims here.

73 de W5NNH
10X 75371/M&M 117/SMIRK 6185/Six Club 285/TRA 2499/Norcross 228 F&AM
"Be thou not overly annoying, neither be too easily annoyed."

Bill K2OWR wrote:
> :::: And, as predicted, the flogging begins......sigh
> I did warn you Marlon. :-(
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Kemker" <john at kemker.org>
> To: "W2RU - Bud Hippisley" <W2RU at frontiernet.net>
> Cc: <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 13:58
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] mailing list etiquette
>> Since the main purpose of a mailing list is to talk to everyone on the
>> mailing list, the default for most mailing lists is for the "Reply-To"
>> header to point to the mailing list itself.   It thereby takes care of
>> the majority of the users' replies and keeps discussion on the list
>> where everyone can benefit.  The minority usage is to only reply to the
>> original sender.  Most people do not wish to reply only to one or two
>> people in the message, but to reply  so all can see.  The default should
>> be to convenience the majority of usage, not the minority.
>> While I've seen a few more lists start to behave as TT, after close to
>> 20 years involvement in email lists, I have to say it is not the norm
>> and is disconcerting and annoying to most people, as it is not how they
>> expect a list to behave.
>> --JohnK
>> 73 de W5NNH
>> 10X 75371/M&M 117/SMIRK 6185/Six Club 285/TRA 2499/Norcross 228 F&AM
>> W2RU - Bud Hippisley wrote:
>>> On Jan 11, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Marlon K. Schafer wrote:
>>>> On a personal note, this is the ONLY mailing list that I'm on that 
>>>> does NOT
>>>> reply to the list!  It drives me nuts.  I have to remember to hit 
>>>> reply-all
>>>> then take out the individual's email address etc.
>>> Duh....I thought that was the purpose of "Reply All".
>>> -1 here.  Please don't change the way the "Reply" function works; I 
>>> much prefer to "have" to hit "Reply All" than to rue sending a 
>>> private reply back to everyone.  Also, Marlon....please tell me what 
>>> _single_ key I can hit to send a reply back to only the original 
>>> poster if "Reply" sends it to the list.
>>> Bud, W2RU

TowerTalk mailing list
TowerTalk at contesting.com

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