[TowerTalk] FW: Guy article in CQ

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Fri Jan 15 14:46:04 PST 2010

Rex Lint wrote:
> Tom, et. al.,
> A couple of field days ago we put up a tower with one of the anchors
> reeeeaaaalll far away: they guys on this side were very long.
> When we tightened all the guys, the long ones were "looser" then the others
I think someone was confusing the catenary (sag) with tension.
> - they sagged like crazy.  But, we cranked away with the come-along, and
> finally the tower BENT OVER at the lower guy point.
That is because too much tension was put on the longer guys. With the 
same tension the longer guys will have much greater sag in this case.
> Out take-away was, "Keep all sets of guys symmetric."
Although it is a good idea to keep guys symetrical  this was not a case 
of asymmetrical guys, but some one assuming the longer guys weren't 
tight enough.  In cases like this it should have been obvious that even 
with the extra sag the effort to use the come along would have indicated 
the guys were under plenty of tension.  When ever pulling like that use 
a tension gage.


Roger (K8RI)

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