[TowerTalk] FW: Guy article in CQ

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Sat Jan 16 00:08:09 PST 2010

Bill K2OWR wrote:
> :::: Holy cow!
> I never knew any of this stuff about guys.
> It must be a miracle that the dozen or so guyed towers that I've put up, 
> over the fifty years I've been a ham,
> have not come crashing down, especially considering the brutal mountaintops 
> I've lived on.
> >From now on I'm going to have to consider the X an Y symmetrical sectors as 
> well as the ying and yang of every one of my towers :-)
Tain't near that bad Bill.  Just keep the angles the same and the 
tensions the same.
Actually there is a lot of leeway built in and I think many over think 
it by far.

Unless a tower is pushed near its limits for load and/or height there is 
a lot of flexibility as to what you can get away with. <:-))


Roger (K8RI)

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