[TowerTalk] Guying a tower....Heresy to follow..... True statement!

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Jan 18 10:56:15 PST 2010

On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:29:02 EST, cqtestk4xs at aol.com wrote:

>Trial and error is nice if you are putting up a wire antenna and it  
>down....no big deal.  You're out a few bucks and some  time.
>Tiral and error for a tower is a whole different deal...big bucks,  and a 
>possible loss of life...yours or an innocent neighbor's.

I'm with you, Bill. Engineering (essentially applied science) always wins 
out. The value of experience added to the mix is that it reminds you of 
factors that affect the design that you may not have considered. 
>Another told me that guying to a  tree was a very acceptable practice. 

Depends on the tower and the tree. My tower is in a redwood forest full of 
VERY big trees (150 ft tall, 6 ft diameter at the base typical), and can't 
fall on any structure. It is on a yard of concrete, but guyed to trees, 
each guy to a different tree, near the base. Carefully tensioned with a 
Loos gauge. If the base of one of those trees moved, it would take down 
guy wires that were in concrete or a soil anchor. 

>I prefer to learn from other people's mistakes, not my own.   Others like 
>to learn the hard way.

It's the old story -- those who fail to learn from history are doomed to 
repeat it. The same can be said for the engineering of towers and 
antennas. Really bad conditions can happen anywhere, thanks to weather and 
earthquakes. Towers and antennas not engineered for those conditions have 
a good chance of ending up on the ground. When they do, some things can 
get broken and people can get hurt or even killed. If that doesn't matter 
to you, you're either insensitive or stupid.  


Jim K9YC 

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