[TowerTalk] LP v SteppIR

Doug Turnbull turnbull at net1.ie
Fri Jan 22 01:39:44 PST 2010

     I wonder what the attraction of the LP is when one can use a SteppIR.
Am I wrong to believe that the Fwd gain and FB are better for a Yagi of the
same number of elements tuned to the frequency of interest than an LP?   Is
it not the case that LP antennas have a lot of metal and hence wind loading
for what they achieve?   Wind loading is as important to me as gain and
directivity.   It is a big balancing act.   Granted the SteppIR has a good
bit of electronics but in my experience they seem to be reliable.   Perhaps
the SteppIR is more expensive for the same performance but Aluminum is
pretty dear.

     I am not trying to start a 'barney' but these are just my thoughts and
it may be that some one can correct me.   I believe that SteppIR has changed
the entire technology and past equations.   

                   73 Doug EI2CN 

-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of brahmangou at aol.com
Sent: 22 January 2010 02:24
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Single Tower, All Band Solution ?

You need to take a look at the Tennadyne T-8 log periodic. I have 8 towers  
and have run most every antenna design at one time or another and it is one 
of  my favorites. 5 bands, cw to ssb (try that with a trapped antenna), 
instant band  switching, no matching network, light and really low cost.

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