[TowerTalk] LMR-900-UF

Stephen Davis sdavis at davisrf.com
Sun Jul 4 09:50:19 PDT 2010

Hi Jim,  

LMR 900 UF is no longer (if ever, I don't recall). 

If you let me know what your application is, the length, freqcy, power,ambient,  etc. I can suggest possible alternatives that are high performance and quality, at the least expensive.  I am a cable design engineer and started DAVIS RF Co. 23 years ago.  We sell a lot of LMR 400 as well and have great pricing on it.  

If I can ever be of help, just let me know.

Thanks to Jim Miller, K4SQR,  for suggesting we get our heads together.  

Regards,   Steve,  K1PEK

Please include all email history in responses until your inquiry or order is completed
Davis RF Company
Davis-Orion Marine Cable 
 -Electronic Wire, Cable 
 -Cable Design Engineering
 -RF Coaxial Cable Connectors and      
        Telecom Parts
A Division of Orion Wire Company, Inc.

Main office, NH:   Tel:  1-800-DAVIS RF   (800-328-4773)
Steve Davis, Direct line, MA Branch:  1-978-369-1738    sdavis at DavisRF.com

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jim Miller <k4sqr at juno.com>
> Date: July 4, 2010 10:28:48 AM EDT
> To: jim.thom at telus.net
> Subject: Re: LMR-900-UF
> Jim;
> I am blind copying your inquiry to Steve Davis, who started Davis RF
> in the 1980's, and who designed popular types of wire and cable.
> I'm certain he can advise the current status of this stuff.
> (FYI-I learned TM makes a 75 ohm version of LMR-400 and use
> it on my 4-squares for 10, 20, 40 & 80 meters, simply because
> of it's higher VF, 84 vs normal .78 of foam RG-11. They really make one dig
> for information!)
> Good luck,
> Jim, K4SQR
> [TowerTalk] LMR-900-UF does it exist?
> from [Jim Thomson]	[Permanent Link][Original]
> To:	<towertalk at contesting.com>
> Subject:	[TowerTalk] LMR-900-UF does it exist?
> From:	"Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
> Date:	Fri, 2 Jul 2010 10:59:08 -0700
> List-post: 	<towertalk at contesting.com">mailto:towertalk at contesting.com>
> I keep seeing the odd ref on some other sites to  LMR-900UF 
> I even saw it on the online power calculator/attenuation calculator on the  
> times site. 
> But it's not listed on the Times microwave site any where else but the on line 
> calculator. 
> On a lot of wireless sites/wi-fi etc... they have complete attenuation /power 
> tables for LMR cables
> and in each one of em,  LMR-900UF is listed  right before the regular LMR-900. 
> The LMR-900UF specs they depict are typ  [ if it exists]  IE:  slightly more 
> attenuation then reg 900
> and slightly less power handling capability etc. 
> Does this LMR-900UF  actually exist??   If it does, it would be the real 
> ticket.. and I have several applications
> where it could easily be deployed.  The rigid LMR-900   and also LMR-1200DB  is 
> NO fun to work with at all.
> If it doesn't exist, then they should consider making such a product.    Does 
> anybody know ?
> Later... Jim  VE7RF  
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