[TowerTalk] 75ohm cable

Hector Garcia XE2K j_hector_garcia at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 19 09:12:08 PDT 2010


If you want monoband  this is a good option

I used it before with  the CATV on my 6m yagi @ 145ft  before change it to 7/8 
heliax,  the run is 250ft, the swr was around 1.2:1 

there are a lot of information how to make the connectors from copper pipes or 
other options.

 J. Hector Garcia XE2K / AD6D
Mexicali B.C  DM22fp
P.O.Box 73 
El Centro CA 92244-0073

From: Carol Richards <n2mm at comcast.net>
To: Towertalk at contesting.com
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 8:47:32 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] 75ohm cable

I am the proud recipent of numerous rolls of 75 ohm, 1/2 in CATV cable. Since 
all of my antennas require 250ft or mor runs this is a real blessing. I have a 
few questions before I start replacing the RG 213. 

1. All of my yagis are 50 ohm, fed through rf chokes to the feed point. Can I 
just connect the 75 ohm and not worry about the small mismatch or do I need to  
use some type of matching network?

2. Are there commercial matching networks to do the job I want that will handle 

3. I have several articles that allow me to make PL-259's to fit this coax. Is 
there an easier way?

thanks, Carol

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