[TowerTalk] back to back baluns..with 450 ohm between em.

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Mon Jul 19 20:46:34 PDT 2010

From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <richard at karlquist.com>
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 7:20 PM
To: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
Cc: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] back to back baluns..with 450 ohm between em.

> Jim Thomson wrote:
>> http://www.dxengineering.com/Parts.asp?ID=3585&PLID=50&SecID=10&DeptID=9&PartNo=DXE%2DBAL450%2DH10%2DB%2DP
>> Has anybody uses these items or similar ??   The concept is a 1:9 balun 
>> at each end of a 300-1000'  run of 450 ohm line... then 50 ohm coax up a 
>> tower... that happens to be 300-1000' away.
> I ran across this review on eham:
> http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/848?page=2
> Scroll down to KE7AMS.  He gave this a poor review.
> Says Array Solutions is better.  Just passing this
> along.
> Rick N6RK

### The fellow was not using a pair of them, back to back..with  450 ohm 
line between them.  If you use just one 9:1 balun... on a
random length of 450 ohm line.. to a dipole... you will probably fry the 9:1 

"I was using a DX Engineering 9 to 1 balun that would
saturate on 160 meters running 1,000 watts.
My antenna is a 450 ohm ladder line fed Off Center Caged half wave dipole, 
with 3 wires and a one meter spacing, for 160 meters."

## For just a pair of back to back  9:1 baluns... the dx eng units  may well 
have fared better.. and no doubt worked.   Having said that.. the
pair of  Array solutions  9:1  baluns  in the back to back config  [ with 
450 ohm line between em]   would work fine too... and probably better.

## In the back to back config, they  are not being stressed, since swr is 
low, from end to end.

later... Jim  VE7RF


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