[TowerTalk] Grounding on a rock hilltop

Eric Scace K3NA eric at k3na.org
Mon Jul 19 20:57:03 PDT 2010

Commercial sites run out a ground screen, typically long 'radials' of 
strap or wire.  They are anchored to the rock occasionally simply to 
keep them in place.  They form the top of a big capacitor, with the rock 
as a lossy dielectric.  Everything is referenced to this ground screen.

on 2010 Jul 19 23:11 scottw3tx at verizon.net said the following:
> I'm working on a friends' station this week, which is on the top of a very
> high hill (the hill-top is about 100ft above the terrain for 270 degrees of
> azimuth).
> Naturally, the hill is solid rock (the tower foundation was blasted).  There
> is from no to perhaps 2 inches of soil covering the rock.
> I'm interested in hearing what has worked to improve station grounding in
> similar situations.
> 73,
> Scott W3TX
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