[TowerTalk] Spammed by Tea Party mailing from M2

KI9A at aol.com KI9A at aol.com
Sun Jul 25 15:10:50 PDT 2010

W6HH, this isn't the Rush/Glenn/Sean reflector. Pull your pants back up,  
and DON'T PUT THIS CRAP on this reflector. 
73- Chuck KI9A
In a message dated 7/25/2010 4:47:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
w6hh at hughes.net writes:

I'll put  up with the spam if it helps to get rid of the Obamanistas!

wyc  wrote:
> I was disappointed to receive an unsolicited mass-emailing last  night
> forwarded from Mike Staal, K6MYC of m2inc.com (addressed to Ken  Holladay
> K6HCP, but apparently bcc’d to me and others), re “Prop 106  AZ: How to 
> Obamacare in Arizona” – a mailing directed to "Tea  Party leaders,
> conservative activists, and bloggers," with which I  won’t further clutter
> this list.
> I would suggest  vendors think twice (and more) about using their lists of
> ham- (and  worse, antenna-) related email addresses to engage in political
>  advocacy.  It certainly took Mike’s company down a notch in my  
> (and would have done so regardless of my political  leanings).
> Sorry for burdening the list with this only  peripherally antenna-related
> post, but by highlighting such conduct,  perhaps its use might be 
> 73,
>  /Bill
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