[TowerTalk] Spammed by Tea Party mailing from M2

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Sun Jul 25 17:58:00 PDT 2010

As a e-mail user since 1993 (using a 386/25 W3.1 PC) I get spam on occasion 
that appears to be from a friend or a supplier.   A local amateur who 
happened to start a security
company that was bought in the past two years by IBM could quickly track 
down the real Ip address and name and alert ISP's such as 
Earthlink/Mindspring and AOL .

I know Earthlink and AT&T use such tracking software and in the past 18 
months I have seen very little of the grabbing of valid e-mail addresses to 
send out spam.

I suggest the e-mail be forwarded to your ISP support so they can block any 
additional spam messages.

Back to towertalk!!!!

73 Dave K4JRB 

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