[TowerTalk] To guy or not to guy...that is the question

Dan Bookwalter n8dcj at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 09:47:07 PDT 2010

A long time ago I had 40' of 25G bracketed at 13' with a TA-33 sized tri-bander 
and a 2 meter vertical , it worked just fine for me with no issues.


----- Original Message ----
From: Kevin Elliott <kg0mn at yahoo.com>
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Sent: Thu, July 29, 2010 12:40:40 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] To guy or not to guy...that is the question

I am just about to start the installation of my new 40' Rohn 25 tower and here 
is a brief explanation of how it will be setup and what will be on it.  Then you 

can tell me whether guying the tower is needed or not.  Due to the small size of 

my back yard the guy wires would need to be adjust slightly to stay within the 
confines of my yard.  The tower is going to be attached to a 4' short tower 
section why will be placed into a 4' X 4' X 4" hole with 6 inches of sand and 
rock at the bottom and the short tower section with be set into the rock and 
sand about 6".  The tower is going to be erected beside my detached garage which 

measures 20 ft to the center peak.  Approximately two feet from the peak of the 
roof I will be attaching a wall bracket which will be held in place with 
threaded readi-rod to a 4' X 4" pressured treated piece of lumber that will span 

five studs inside the garage to spread the load across the entire wall instead 
of depending on two studs.

Now the antenna that will be mounted on the tower which is going to be 
approximately 40' is a Mosley TA-33 and a 5 element 440 antenna and a 6 element 
2 meter antenna.  So with this setup can I get by without the need for guy 

Kevin Elliott - KG0MN


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