[TowerTalk] Type 31 baluns

DF3KV df3kv at t-online.de
Tue Jun 1 06:18:59 PDT 2010

Hi Jim,

Why should one bother for wire and core insulation if the balun will be used
to feed a 50 ohms load?


-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim Thomson

## good question. [ C between  braid/wire  to cores themselves]   I wouldn't
use enameled wire.. unless it's got lots of teflon on it.. or has a teflon
tubing slid over it... or is of the polyimide variety of magnet wire [with
15 kv insulation].
Even then, you only get 15 kv insulation on the larger ga wires.  With 18
ga.. it' prob down to 10 kv. 

So insulated wire, or wrapped toroids, gets the turns up off the toroid,
which is good. same thing when you see people doing these loose-turns around
the balun.

##  which will work, provided u use a ton of typ raps  from side of box to
everything else... to suspend everything in place..so it all satys put. 

##  a  3-5 stack  with RG-400  or  enamel wire might be the ticket.    What
bands do you want this for ??      If it's for a tribander... you might want
to optimize it for 20-10m.  If it's for the low bands,
the optimize it for the band[s] you will use it on. 

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