[TowerTalk] Homebrew Crank-up

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Fri Mar 26 20:11:09 PDT 2010

Christopher Atkins wrote:
> Stan, 
> Homebrewing a tower especially a crank-up is a dangerous and risky proposition to say the least.  The ROI and the safety concerns is not worth the risk. In the end you will be better off buying a crank up tower. Just my opinion..
Risky, yes without doing the calculations, but one of my goals for years 
has been to build a crankup and fold over, rotating mast that will go to 
60  or 70' and support at least a 30 - 10 log and maybe  a 2-meter beam.

OTOH there is always a certain amount of risk with any tower.


Roger (K8RI)
> Good Luck 
> --- On Fri, 3/26/10, Stan Stockton <k5go at cycle-24.com> wrote:
> From: Stan Stockton <k5go at cycle-24.com>
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Homebrew Crank-up
> To: TowerTalk at contesting.com
> Date: Friday, March 26, 2010, 3:00 PM
> Anyone have an ideas regarding rails, rollers, general set-up, etc. that could be used for about 75 feet of 55G or 65G that would telescope into about the same length of larger tower (33 inch face, 3 inch legs), probably using an extra large prop pitch to raise and lower for 48 hours a few times a year dependent on good weather :-) ?
> Thanks...Stan, K5GO  
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