[TowerTalk] coax stubs /bandpass filter

Stein Roar LA6FJA-K3RAG s-roabr at online.no
Mon Mar 29 05:44:55 PDT 2010


all is mounted into a small painting box.

Different bands have multiple stubs to null to different bands. 

It is placed about 10-15 ft from the rigs, but I dont have cable between the stubs as I have soldered it directly on relays for each band.
I have read people have had it about 1/2 wavelength from station, I donno if 7 mhz will have 20m of coax from the rig to filter to have it optimal effect?

I have perfect SWR and the attunation is ok about 20-30 db on the excatly harmonic QRG from 7.000 to 3,500  20db's
QRG from 7.100 to 14.200 25 db's

I can still hear some white noise..if I fire up to 1kw from the amp... but it is still there on 100 watts on both trxs.

2nd option can be the bad RX in the TS2000, but I have tried both the TS930 and TS850 with inrad filters and roofing filters installed.

Maybe I need some 7mhz lowpass filters ????

I ordered some ICE 419, but they stopped making this upon my order.
This was the cheapest option, but it crazy to pay 600 $ those expensive packs for each station, I wanna have this filters to work, but I cannot measure any thing with scope...  

Maybe it is better with monoband yagies ??? 
 I was thinking the multiband antenna maybe generate bad harmonics too ?????


> From: jimlux [jimlux at earthlink.net]
> Sent: 2010-03-29 14:20:15 MEST
> To: Tower and HF antenna construction topics. [towertalk at contesting.com]
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] coax stubs /bandpass filter
> Stein Roar LA6FJA-K3RAG wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I have made a set of coaxstubs for bandpass filter, but it is not enough attunation..
> > Is it normal with 20-30 db attunation ??
> > 
> > 
> how long was the coax from rig to stub?
> Do you have multiple stubs? and if so, how far apart are they?
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