[TowerTalk] Question on how to resurface boom tubing that was scored by debris...

Mike & Becca Krzystyniak k9mk at flash.net
Sun May 30 10:52:19 PDT 2010

   I picked up a used beam yesterday with a HD 3" boom in two 12's lenghts.
There was a coupler piece about 4' long that extended equally into the 12's

   During dissassembly there was some grit, maybe some oxidation, and bird
stuff that bound up the tubes as we trid to take them apart. Liberal
application of silicone sprays, WD-40 and a heck of a lot of muscle did get
them apart, but not without some scoring of the coupler tubing.  I'm
assuming the inside of the boom sections also have similar damage.

   I need to find a way to clean these up so they can be rejoined and get
the antenna back together.  I'm thinking I need to file off the burs and
maybe a fine grit light sanding to get rid of any surface irregularities.
Are there other methods, approaches, or accepted practices that will be more
effective that my plan "A"?

   Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions.


Mike K9MK   

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