[TowerTalk] W0AIH Needs 9 Pin Male Plugs

K0YR Thomas Rieff k0yr at greencaremankato.com
Fri Nov 12 07:34:18 PST 2010

Tower Talk... 
>From the MWA reflector. Can you help??? 
Paul, W0AIH, has exhausted his - and my - supply of 9-pin male plugs of the style commonly known as octal plugs. They are used on all the prop pitch rotator controls, to differentiate them from the 8-pin plugs which are used on all the Ham-type rotor controls. 
They are technically known as Amphenol 86CP9 but cost way too much on the retail market. If you have any in your junk box, let us know. We have lots of 9-pin females if anyone has a need for those. 
Paul W0UC 

Respond to Paul, W0AIH... w0aih at arrl.net 

Tom, K0YR 

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