[TowerTalk] Matching 4 el 40s

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Sun Nov 21 18:32:30 PST 2010

When I was back in FL I used my own matching system for matching my  old 
KLM 40s.  Out in KH6 I had two M2 4el 40s, but used the WX0B box  because it 
was handy.  I never had a problem with SWR using either  method.  
I have the 40s back in FL and plan to match them using the method  not 
using the WX0B box.  we'll see what happens.  By the way, I used  7/8 hardline 
to feed both systems and will do the same in a few  months.

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