[TowerTalk] Cushcraft Parts from MFJ

Mark Robinson markrob at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 24 13:35:30 PST 2010

Yes  agreed - what Quality Control.  I just bought an MFJ-259B Antenna 
Analyzer. It didn't workout of the box. If I forced the PL259 over it worked 
intermittently. With nothing to lose I opened it up and found that the small 
wire from the center pin of the chassis mounted SO-239 connector to the 
circuit board was hanging over the board but not connected. I noticed that 
where this wire exited the SO-239 there was a cold joint which was apparent 
by the solder color and crystalline look to the joint. After I had 
resoldered both of these connections the Analyzer functioned correctly.

Isn't there any quality control.. Units like that shouldn't be leaving the 
factory. I can only guess that the operators are paid by the unit produced 
and knock them out as quickly as possible.

Mark N1UK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "N7mal" <n7mal at citlink.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 November, 2010 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Parts from MFJ

> NO NO Jim that won't fly any longer. 20 years ago that was the excuse for
> them. They were new etc etc etc. It is now 20 years later and the same
> garbage is coming from Mississippi. Just because they have acquired
> Cushcraft and Hy Gain they haven't addressed the major problem with MFJ,
> they still produce garbage.
> 20 years ago I met Martin and thought he was an OK guy, I was in the
> Electronics industry then. I thought once he got his act together he would
> be a good solid business. Well it's now 20 years later and there has been 
> no
> change in that company.
> Sorry to be so blunt but that's just the facts.
> 73
> http://www.n7mal.com
> Everyone in the world is
> entitled to be burdened
> by my opinion
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Jim Thomson
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 04:33
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Parts from MFJ
> Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 21:05:05 -0500
> From: "David  Thompson" <thompson at mindspring.com>
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Parts from MFJ
> Come on gang lighten up.
> MFJ is still a small company.  Martin Jue and Steve Pan (the management) 
> are
> trying to do a good job.  I am surprised that with all the acquisitions 
> they
> are able to keep up.
> ##  I find that hard to believe...after looking through the entire
> mfj/ameritron catalog.....it's huge.  MFJ  has been around for a LONG
> time.   How many decades does it take em..to 'figure it all out' ?
> Why are they still selling crap, like  BN-86 baluns ?    If they improved
> just
> some of the products..and dumped the rest, they would spend way less time
> dealing with angry end users on the phone...and resulting warranty issues.
> Think abt it.  Why would you want to offer 16 x diffrent types of ant 
> tuners
> ?
> Why not just make 1-3..that actually work ?   One simple tuner..minus the
> metering
> is all anybody wants.  Nobody needs a dummy load, with a built in.. has 
> been
> wattmeter.
> Just build one dummy load, sans metering.
> I sold an MFJ tuner to a fellow in Memphis and UPS put a forklift through
> the box and KOed the meter.  MFJ fixed that I sent the tuner back to the
> fellow in two weeks.  I helped a fellow overseas get parts for his TH-11
> which he got very quickly.
> Compared to Mosley and Idiom Press they run a good ship.
> ##  IMO,   Mosley has no clue whatsoever, about how to build an antenna,
> any antenna.  Mosley still drones on about.."establishing resonance".... 
> and
> '52 ohms'.    Equal spaced monobanders went the way of the do-do bird back
> in the
> late 80's.    How mosley and wilson managed to build hair pin / matching
> networks,
> that work on 20-15-10m is beyond me.   The secret of course, is the trap's
> used have
> such a high R  component to em.. that when added to the  feedpoint Z, they
> end up
> closer to 50 ohms..and it's one big fudge.....swr wise.
> ##  ever seen a 175 lb Telrex  20m yagi ?    6 x equal spaced els on a 46'
> boom.   They
> didn't......'get it'  either....and went outa business.  That mystery 
> black
> [sealed] black balun
> box that telrex built for their tribanders is a real hoot...... after you
> cut one open with a
> band saw.   You will gag.
> Later... Jim   VE7RF
> Dave K4JRB
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