[TowerTalk] Speaking of the HAM Seriesofrotators...How doyoutell the difference.

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Oct 26 20:20:24 PDT 2010

I have used a T2X since about 1980.  It has the terminal strip on the base. 
To put it inside my 71 foor Tristao crank up I had to remove one of the 
sidebars.  Lou Tristao advised putting a Rohn 25 guy bar around the middle 
of the tower section. This takes some work but fits snugly.

The rotor has been to repair three times.  The first after 8 or 9 years it 
went to Allen WB4GNT who runs Max Gain Systems (MGS4U).  He charged me $75. 
I sent to him as a tornado passed over the house and lifted the beams, mast 
and rotor/rotor plate and tirned the whole mechanism
45 degrees.  Brad W9FX worked on it as it took a beating by Hurricane Ivan 
and wind blasts at 85 to 90 MPH.  He did find extensive damage but it was 
fixed and that was 3 years ago.

Tristao/US Tower has what they call a sleeve bearing in the top of the tower 
below the top plate.  I bought a Fafnir commercial bearing that I placed on 
the top of the tower.

When I first moved to Atlanta in the mid 1970's I did buy a converted prop 
pitch from a fellow in CA (Bob Leo).  I think Bob was a WB6.  The problem 
with the prop pitch was it nearly broke the top of the tower off on one 
occassion when a element caught in a tree.  The HAM M/T2X is the only rotor 
that fits inside my tower.  I looked at one of the RD1800's but its slightly 
bigger and not much better.

I do have another old T2X that I use as a temporary replacement when I send 
the main one off for repairs.

73 Dave K4JRB 

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