[TowerTalk] Concrete testing

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Sep 2 06:22:13 PDT 2010

Thank you for the suggestions.

I called Advanced Testing in my area and got some information.  First, I checked the trustworthiness of the concrete company.
That checked out.  The technical person I spoke with had a lot experience with concrete testing and curing.  A 4" slump and
no more for this job. 

###  When those  4 x cylinders are poured, [all at the same time]  the 1st cylinder is put in the hydraulic squasher after 7 days.
Cyl #2 gets tested after 14 days.   Cyl #3  after 21 days....and  #4  after  28  days.   I never have it done...unless a PE says to do it. 
If  more than one cement truck is involved.... then you have to  obtain 4 x samples  from each truck !   Everything has to be labeled. 

 However, due to the very warm temperatures in the north east, I should cover it with plastic to keep
the moisture from evaporating off the top. 

## whoa!    Make damn sure u use a 15'  long vibrator  with at least a 1.5"  head on it..and don't over
vibrate the concrete.   They are cheap to rent.   You can also get em with a 2"  diam head.  Both heads
are aprx 12"  long.   Stuff the vibrator in, and turn it on... and it will flatten a mound of cement in 1 sec flat. 
You can also drag it across..and make concrete  flow into the corners, or where  you want it.  Another trick
is to vibrate the cage itself..or the form.   You need one person to operate the vibrator..and a 2nd 
person to turn the switch on/off.   

##    A lot of times the cement truck operator will ask you if you want it  wetted down a bit..
so it pours easier.    If you add water.. you will weaken the mix.   If there is any standing water in the 
bottom of the hole..it will weaken the mix as well... and  has to be pumped out. 

##  some folks will lightly spray the sides of the hole with water... to  slow down any evaporation on the 5 x sides. 
Some will line the 4 x vert sides with  4-6 mil  plastic sheeting..to do the same thing. 

## as far as the top goes... AFTER troweling is done... I cover all exposed concrete  with old   [clean] bed sheets.
Then let it set up for an hr.    Then LIGHTLY mist it with the water sprayer.   Then do it again an hr later... with progressively
more water.    You will find that the top of the concrete  block will  suck the water  right up.... and then the chem
reaction starts up.    A few mins later... you can feel the heat pouring out the top of the wet sheets !   I repeat the
same process  [esp on a hot day]   for  abt 6-7 days in a row.   If the concrete is poured  at 10 AM... it's  still getting water
on it at midnight..and quickly gets sucked up.    It's dry as a bone  very quickly..depending  on  outside temp. 
You won't end up with any hair line cracks either..not with the top closed off..with a layer of rebar 5" below it.     

##  I just pumped in 17  x yards  of  5075 psi   [35 mpa]  concrete on Aug  16th.....it's still curing.  I had to morph
the new  UST  HDX-689 base into the adjacent old  Trylon base.  [which is flared on all 4 x sides]   One side of the
old base  forms one  side of the new base.  Old base is  5.5' square x  6' deep.   New base is 7' x 6' 3"   x 9' deep. 
1025 lbs  of rebar went into the new base.  1"  for the 24 x verticals. [ UST uses 16 vertical's]... and  5/8"  for the 
14 x horizontal tires. Ties are spaced every 6"  for the 1st 10 x ties.. then every  1'  for the last 4 x ties. 
Both vert +  Horz are  60 ksi weldable material.   The  12 x anchor rods are  5'  long  with  6"  threads on each end. 
105 ksi  rods used. They are in 3 x grps of  4 each... on 5''  C to C.     Instead of the usual flatwashers on the bottoms of the
rods... we used a 9" x 9"  x  1/2"  thick steel plate...with  4 x holes punched.     That alone increases the 
pull out capacity through the roof. 

## Local PE and city hall  wanted the cage closed off on the top too..with a  8x6 grid of bars....
 and also a 2nd parallel  grid of bars down  4.5'.   The reason was to surround the 12 x anchor 
rods on all SIX sides.   UST spec's  a   4.5'  square  cage.     We used a 5.5'  square cage.  UST sez to use
short  27" long anchor bolts  [ 55 ksi]..we used   60" long rods  [105 ksi]    IMO... 27" long anchor bolts
seems strange.  You have 6" of threaded  rod above the concrete  [which is already 6"  above the lawn]
That only would leave  15"  of anchor bolt  below lawn level !    I can't see digging a 9' deep  hole...
and having 15" rods embedded.    Local PE wanted the depth of the rods to be at least  1/2 the depth of
the hole.  It was decided that since the  105 ksi rods are  only 13%  more $$... but are 91%  stronger, to
use the stronger stuff.    So in went more re-bar, etc.   Since a line pump was used this time... the mix
used 3/8"  aggregate [ so the 3" line pump won't clog] .  Took 55 mins to pump in  17 yards..with the
load split between 2 x trucks.    I hope city hall is happy.  17 yards in new base morphed into  8 yards
of old  base =   50.625 tons.   I'm sure a hellfire missile would bounce off it.    I have pix of all this. 

Sri for the diatribe.

later... Jim   VE7RF       

I will keep the group posted and post more pictures.



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