[TowerTalk] Piece needed for 4BTV vertical

Larry WA9VRH wa9vrh at dishmail.net
Thu Sep 2 16:31:46 PDT 2010

Hi Jim,

I have a 10m trap from a 4BTV that did not survive two 110' black locust 

The trap shows continunity but the top of it has about a 10 to 15 degree 
tilt to it.

Here's the deal. I will send it to you and if it is good you send me cost of 
the postage to send it. If it's not good
you throw it away (or whatever) and you owe me nothing.

Let me know and is your address good on QRZ?

73 Larry WA9VRH

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jpk5lad at cox.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 10:09 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Piece needed for 4BTV vertical

>I wonder if anyone has a Hustler 4BTV vertical that didn't
> quite make it though a bad storm or was destroyed by one
> of those big antenna-roosting birds.  I'm trying to resurrect
> my old 4BTV but the 10 meter trap is broken.  If you have
> that particular piece and don't want too much of a ransom
> for it, I'd sure like to discuss transferring its geographical
> location.
> I believe the same 10 meter trap was used for the 4BTV
> as well as the 5BTV and 6BTV so any of those should
> work.  I also need to replace several of the 13" long 3/8"
> aluminum pieces in the 40 meter spider.  I'm still trying to
> find some place around the Tulsa area that sells 3/8" al.
> tubing and haven't found any yet but I sure that still a
> fairly easy possibility.
> Thanks to all and 73,
> Jim - K5LAD
> k5lad at arrl.net
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> Growing old is like being increasingly penalized
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