[TowerTalk] Antenna Swittch - Grounded or Open Unused

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Thu Sep 9 06:01:24 PDT 2010

Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 21:18:24 -0500 (CDT)
From: ac9s at mchsi.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] Antenna Swittch - Grounded or Open Unused
To: towertalk at contesting.com
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I am about to replace my 30 year old Ameritron antenna switch with a DX Engineering unit.  It will be placed at the top of the tower to select between the various antennas - wire slopers for 160 and 80, inverted vees for 75 and 40, and the Steppir ( currently under repair) for the rest of HF.  I will not have multiple antennas selected at the same time.  What is best - to wire the switch so that unused ports are normally grounded or open?  My inclination would be to ground all the unused antennas, but since the switch is shipped normally open I have an element of doubt.

Thanks --


##  My Array Solutions remote switch box is wired so that all the DE-energized ports 1-6  have their center conductor's  grnded. 
With the 12 vdc shut off.. OR  if the rotary switch is switch is sitting on positions 7-12... all 6 x relays  are  De-energized. 
The AS box is a 1 in, 6 out remote switch box.   The control box for it uses a 12 x pos rotary switch....and the 1st 6 are used. 
The AS box uses 6 x DPDT relays...with all contacts in parallel.  [ double the RF current capacity + redundant contacts] 

##  The COM [moveable contact] goes to the hot side of the coax connector for each ant port.   NC goes to the grnd buss strap. 
NO  goes to the hot 2 kw buss [ bonded to the hot side of the input connector].   As  you can see, the de-energized  ports are all grnded,  via the
NC  grnded buss.     All  6 x braids are grnded to top of tower... via the metal box.  In the event of an electrical storm...and  with
all relays  De-energized... both the center conductor's  AND the braids of all 6 ports are grnded to the top of the tower. 

##  I'd install a lightning arrestor at the base of the well grnded tower..and a 2nd on on your SPG.  Then you are covered. 

later... Jim   VE7RF

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