[TowerTalk] DX Engineering Antenna Switch - Grounding -Correction

Mark Robinson markrob at mindspring.com
Wed Sep 15 07:49:02 PDT 2010

I think that the tech just got it wrong......I doubt if it works like that 
at all. If you wish a port to stay grounded and inactive then you can remove 
the control line to it and it will never be activated and stay grounded.

Mark N1UK


From: "Doug Renwick" <ve5ra at sasktel.net>
To: "Tower Talk" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 September, 2010 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] DX Engineering Antenna Switch - 
Grounding -Correction

> If it was possible, why would someone wish to permanently ground an
> inactive port and make it inoperative in these DX Eng units?
> Doug
> The train doesn't stop here anymore.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> Correction to my previous note below.  Since I am slightly paranoid I
> cobbled up a quick test.  The Tech had it wrong.  Jumpering a switch
> position leaves that position grounded until it is selected.  At that
> point it is no longer grounded and is then connected to the common -
> just like you expect.  So, I will jumper all positions, which will leave
> them grounded until selected.
> Keith - AC9S
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> """I posed a question here a week or so ago about grounding unused ports
> on the DX Engineering switch - the consensus was to ground them.  Today,
> prior to soldering in the grounding jumpers, I called DX Engineering to
> verify that doing so would still allow me to select those ports.  IT
> DOES NOT.  According to tech support soldering the jumpers will
> permanently ground that position.  It cannot be selected unless the
> jumper is removed.  My switch is the RR8A-HP, the 5KW version.  I just
> checked the 10KW version and found its manual states "Lightning
> protection is excellent in the RR8-SD relay system. There
> is never an ungrounded path for lightning, regardless of how you
> configure internal jumpers. To ground inactive ports, solder a jumper
> wire between the foil traces for that port as shown.
> So the low and high power versions are configured differently.  The
> lower power version will NOT allow you to have unselected ports
> grounded, merely "inactive" ones.  I wish the catalog included that
> info.  I bought this one at Dayton and it is way past the point at which
> I can return it."""
> Keith
> AC9S

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