[TowerTalk] ladders

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Mon Sep 20 05:48:20 PDT 2010

Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 18:19:44 -0700
From: Kevin Normoyle <knormoyle at surfnetusa.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] ladders

If you're 55+, using a ladder seems to have a lot of risk.

(you can click on a pdf link there)

in this study: (workplace fatalies)

Relative risks of ladder fatalities increase precipitously by age compared to other work fatalities in the US.

Ladder fall fatality rate for 65+ age group is 14x the ladder fall fatality rate for 16-24 age group.

Fall circumstances similar across all age groups.
Fatalities in older workers occur from lower heights.
Mean height feet: 16 ft. for ages 55+ vs. 29 ft. for ages 16-34

Increased fatality risks for falls for older workers much greater for ladders when compared to other fatal injuries, 
including falls from elevations not involving ladders (be interesting to know if that applies to tower climbing.. I kind 
of doubt anyone who claims they're as fit as a 20 year old..that's wishful thinking?..

Height means nothing, I think, if you're worried about dying. You can die from <20 ft.


##  the above study is workplace only stats.   For the gen US population, 30,000 are injured EACH year, and
6000 die...from falling off ladders, in and around the home.  

## forget the war on terrorism.  There should be a war on.... 'ladderism'.  Other than violating  the rights of old geezers > 55 yrs
of age  from climbing anything, it would be a worth while endeavor.  No M1A1 tanks or F-18's required. 

later... Jim   VE7RF

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