[TowerTalk] Groundhog Hates RG-58

Tom Anderson andersonww5l at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 22 11:51:41 PDT 2010


This may sound bizarre, but the garden show people on AM radio in the DFW area say it works.  Try some of your "green" lawn supply and feed stores in your area.  We have some in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that sell "coyote urine" (really--please no rants) for gardeners who are bothered by varmits like deer or rabbits, etc. nibbling their plants to the ground. The garden folks say to put a few drops on a piece of cotton and put it on a stick in the problem area.  They say it sends the varmits running for someone else's garden, flower bed, etc. Also I've had success with getting rid of squirrels by mixing some hot chili powder in our bird feeders.  Birds can't taste it and squirrels hate it.

Tom, WW5L


--- On Wed, 9/22/10, Larry K4AB <larry.k4ab at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Larry K4AB <larry.k4ab at gmail.com>
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Groundhog Hates RG-58
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 1:42 PM
> Now I know how Bill Murray felt in
> Caddyshack.
> It seems I have a groundhog that lives near my barn who
> hates the RG-58
> I use to feed my NE Beverage.  Bear in mind, I've got
> perhaps 1000's of feet
> of all types of coax laying on the ground around my
> property, but this
> critter
> only nibbles on the feedline to the NE Beverage.  It's
> amazing!  And the
> cuts
> he makes are CLEAN!  Almost as if the little creature
> has a pair of wire
> cutters.
> Just yesterday I repaired one of his "cuts", and this
> morning, I noticed the
> vermin had bit it in two, AGAIN, and no less a quarter-inch
> from the spot I
> spliced!
> Well, now, I've suspended his favorite coax 2 feet off the
> ground, but I'm
> concerned that he'll start chomping away at some other
> feedline.
> Has anyone else had problems with groundhogs and coax?
> Its starting to get personal with the little bugger and me,
> and I'm about to
> resort to Bill Murray measures and bring out the rifle, or
> hand
> grenade...etc.
> 73,
> Larry K4AB
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