[TowerTalk] methods of using conduit in the ground for cables

K8RI on TT k8ri-on-towertalk at tm.net
Wed Apr 6 01:17:56 PDT 2011

On 4/6/2011 12:06 AM, Dick Flanagan wrote:
> Weep holes are a great idea, but I suggest you also line the bottom
> of the trench with gravel so the drained water has a place to go.

Remember than in many areas of the country/world that many areas have 
the water table with inches of the surface at least part of the year.  I 
use no weep holes in the current conduit as from the time the snow melts 
  (Late March or early April) until around June the water table is just 
below the surface so my one conduit at 6" deep is completely under 
water.  This part of the yard along with most of the back yard is of 
heavy clay/Lome and would soon fill the conduit with a fine clay if 
given drain holes through which to enter.  Once dry in the summer that 
clay would be like concrete and it would be impossible to pull cables in 
or out.    OTOH the one running from the tower to the house (75 to 85 
feet) runs most of the way through the sand back fill around the 
basement.  That one is 5" plastic sewer pipe (or was) and had lots of 
drain holes.  It is now 4" PVC and has a few drain holes at the low 
spots in the sand.

Conditions and techniques to work with those conditions vary widely


Roger (KI8RI)

> Dick
> At 03:30 PM 4/5/2011, Guy Molinari wrote:
>   >
>   >I assembled the conduit sections by sliding the sections one by one
>   >over the batch of cables.  This batch consisted of 2 runs of 1/2" hard
>   >line plus a rope messenger.   I drilled weep holes on the underside of
>   >each section of conduit as I went.   Then I filled the trench.   I've
>   >pulled through 2 runs of RG-11 plus a control cable.   The run is 80'
>   >long to one of my towers.
>   >
>   >Easy squeezzzy.
>   >
>   >73,
>   >Guy N7ZG
>   >
>   >
>   >>  From: k7awbgoog at gmail.com
>   >>  To: TowerTalk at contesting.com
>   >>  Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:14:50 -0700
>   >>  Subject: [TowerTalk] methods of using conduit in the ground for cables
>   >>
>   >>  As long as we are on the topic, which would be better?
>   >>
>   >>  1) secure the 4 inch conduit sections together in the trench and then fill
>   >>  in the trench with dirt on top so the sections could not move when pulling
>   >>  cables through them, or
>   >>
>   >>  2) keep the trench unfilled, but the 4 inch conduit sections put together,
>   >>  and pull the cables through them without the dirt on top?
>   >>
>   >>  As I see it, once you put the dirt on top, there is no going back, but the
>   >>  conduit does not move. On the other hand, conduit without weight
> on it will
>   >>  tend to move as the cables as pulled through, especially when the "last"
>   >>  cable is tried.
>   >>
>   >>  Comments from you who have done this.....
>   >>
>   >>  73
>   >>  Steve Sala
>   >>  K7AWB
>   >>  DN17es
>   >>  Nine Mile Falls, WA
>   >>
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> Dick Flanagan K7VC
> dick at k7vc.com
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