[TowerTalk] Help with fixing a leaning tower (NOT Pisa)

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Sun Apr 17 15:33:00 PDT 2011

Art, How much lean are you seeing? There are number of possible solutions  
depending on your capabilities and how much time and $$ you are  willing to 
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 4/17/2011 12:32:23 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
abernstein at bramsonort.edu writes:

Hello to  all,

I have a Hy Gain HG-52 SS 52 foot crankup. It's been up  for a number of
years. The concrete base is as per specs. 42" on a side and  about 5'6" deep
with about 6 more inches of concrete above the  ground.

The problem  is the tower is leaning due to the  apparent settling of the
concrete base on one side. The base is near the  rear of my house and is
leaning away from the house. For those not familiar  with this tower and its
base, it uses 3 "dog ear" type mounts that are  attached to a rebar cage
imbedded in the concrete. Each of the "ears" has  two holes that are mated 
the similar dog ears on the bottom of the  tower. The base is very similar 
the Tri Ex bases, such as for the  W-51.

A few years ago, a friend re plumbed the tower by  redrilling some of the
holes in the dog ears and welding new nuts onto it,  thus making the tower
vertical. It seems that the ground behind my home is  not as stable as I had
thought, over 20 years ago (unfortunately.) We have  run out of room on the
dog ears to redrill to plumb the  tower.

Any suggestions? My rear yard is not that large, so  abandoning the base and
putting in a new one is really not an  option.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


Art.,  N2KA

n2ka at verizon.net


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