[TowerTalk] Optibeam, spiderbeam, Force C-3SS, etc..

David David at Giuliani.org
Thu Apr 21 17:46:33 PDT 2011

I'm planning my first beam, mostly work 40&20 (with a Carolina Windom now).
I'll place it at 35 to 45' height, and would like to keep the turning radius
<15' and visual impact low.  $$ not too big a consideration for something
that I want to last many years.


Wire beams (e.g. Optibeam OBW10-5, Spiderbeam) show great specs vs Al tube
designs, and nice low visual impact / wind loading.  But are these specs


What about the longevity of fiberglass construction (e.g. UV etc) vs
aluminum?  I'd like my beam to last a good 10-15 years.  Or am I better off
with a conventional trapless mini-beam, e.g. Force C-3SS (good specs at
least on 20 meters)?   


This is my first TT post.  I'm sure the archives covered a lot of this, so
sorry if this is a redundant.


David WA6PXX, Mercer Island, WA

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