[TowerTalk] Water in the conduit - a different idea

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Sat Apr 30 13:34:08 PDT 2011

I see a couple of flaws:

a.  A fan won't push air through a long tube.  You need a pump that can 
actually generate some pressure.

b.  Now you have a higher pressure area in the feed from the pump 
exiting to a lower pressure area in the tube, the result of which 
typically generates condensation.  You have a similar pressure 
differential near the output of the tube.  They put condensate drain 
plugs on compressor tanks for a reason.

Dave   AB7E

On 4/30/2011 12:51 PM, Clint Talmadge W5CPT wrote:
> I am about to add a couple of antennas and the idea of burying conduit for
> the coax and control cables came up again.  The stories of water collecting
> made me think of how to avoid this.  What if I were to add a small fan to
> the box to which I am going to hang on the outside wall of the shack to
> which I am going to connect the conduit?  This fan would pressurize the
> ambient air which should eliminate any standing water in the system.  A
> small shroud to keep out the direct rain should be sufficient.  Small
> screened weep holes in the boxes at the tower base and the box for the
> phasing network for the verticals would allow any moisture in the
> pressurized air to escape.  The fan, being outside should not cause any
> objectionable noise.  I am thinking of something along the lines of a larger
> muffin fan which will run off house power fed out through the conduit
> installed through the wall.
> I have tried to come up with any negatives, but have not (yet).  Any ideas,
> positive or negative on this plan?
> Clint - W5CPT - West Kentucky
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