[TowerTalk] antenna location for hurricane

Charlie Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Sat Aug 27 04:32:40 PDT 2011


> On 8/26/2011 11:12 AM, Mike Baker wrote:
>> You might want to make sure your car is full of gas and you have enough fuel
>> for the generator for at least a week of steady running.

> By all means have every tank *full*.  IF this storm turns out to be as
> predicted you might have a week or more without power, or the option of
> getting more gas.  The same for water and food.


At least where I live (NYC) I really don't think water supply is a major issue, unless you live in an apartment building greater than 6 stories tall.  You see, NYCs water isn't pumped, it's pure gravity feed - kinda interesting.  The head pressure is enough to get water up to the 5-6th floor - usually building greater than 4 stories have a rooftop water that that THEY do pump to, but your average 'house' on the lower levels?  The water is pure gravity, and if THAT ever fails

73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)

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