[TowerTalk] Fabricated common mode chokes and their impedances

Tod - ID tod at k0to.us
Mon Aug 29 07:13:39 PDT 2011

What version are you using Larry. I do not have a problem here downloading
it with a Mac or with a PC.


The file size is 4.4 MB so that might be a problem for some people. Also, if
you are using a very slow internet connection it will take a long time for
the second page to appear because it is a picture. I will see if I can
reduce the resolution of the pictures and get the PDF file size reduced as
well. That might help you. 


Tod, K0TO





From: K3VX [mailto:k3vx at verizon.net] 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 4:44 AM
To: tod at k0to.us
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Fabricated common mode chokes and their impedances




I get a message from Adobe PDF Reader that there's insufficient data for an
image. So all pages after the first a blank! Do I need a newer version of
the reader???


Larry K3VX

Aug 28, 2011 06:51:27 PM, tod at k0to.us wrote:

This probably has a limited audience but I do know that there are some
readers on this list interested in fabrication of high impedance common mode
chokes for their stations.

I built and measured 18 of this type of choke during the past week. There is
a write-up on my web site which shows how they were fabricated, how they
were measured and the measurement results. I used Fair-Rite 2.4 inch
diameter type 31 toroidal cores and small diameter [RG 59 size} coax. I
measured the magnitude of the impedance for each of the chokes on the 160,
80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands. There are also attenuation values for
each choke [specific to the 50 ohm measurement circuit]. The results are
shown as a series of graphs for two cores, three cores and four cores with
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 turns on the core bundle.

These graphs should provide guidance to those fabricating their own common 
mode chokes. 

The site is 

The article is under Experiments & Measurements

"Measurement of Chokes made using type 31 material cores"

My work is an extension of material found in the excellent paper on this
subject written by Jim Brown, K9YC, which has been mentioned here before.

Tod Olson, K0TO


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