[TowerTalk] Preforms

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Wed Aug 31 16:02:30 PDT 2011

For a 100' tower with EHS guys broken into non-resonant lengths, you 
will be putting 30+/- grips on, so buy some good gloves (maybe 2 pair) 
and be prepared for some sore hands.  However, they are the only way to go.

If the responses didn't explain how they work, just go look at most any 
telephone pole guy ends.

They are usually rated to have grip/break strength equal to the wire 
they are made for.

Grant KZ1W

On 8/31/2011 3:05 PM, Mark Robinson wrote:
> Here is some good information
> http://www.preformedsa.co.za/PDF/Transmission/Big-Grip%20Dead-End%20T%20-%2027.pdf
> http://www.preformed.com/preformed/files/AppProc/SP2049-3.pdf
> Mark N1UK
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mark Robinson"<markrob at mindspring.com>
> To:<K7LXC at aol.com>;<towertalk at contesting.com>;<k4jc at arrl.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, 31 August, 2011 5:50 PM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Preforms
>> If you download the manufacturers data and installation sheets, it will
>> tell
>> you how to put them on. Yes it seems a bit strange at first but after you
>> have put your first one on you will be OK to do the rest. Mine have worked
>> perfectly on both ehs and phillystran...a wonderful invention. You have to
>> take care to use the right size thimble for the size of ehs or phillystran
>> but the man from Hill Radio was able to send me the exact parts that I
>> needed.  I wouldn't go back to cable clamps again although at first I was
>> somewhat baffled like you. They are rigid and springy. The mating surfaces
>> have some sort of grippy material applied to them. They certainly won't
>> slip.
>> Mark N1UK
>> .com writes:
>>>>   That brings me to my questions on preform dead ends. I  have read quite
>>> a bit
>>> from folks who sing their praises, but I have found  very little on how
>>> they
>>> work or how to install them. I can't really tell  from the pictures on
>>> the
>>> Rohn or 3starinc.com websites - they just look  like a piece of guy wire
>>> bent
>>> into a V shape. Do you clamp them to the guy  wire? If so, why not just
>>> loop
>>> the guy wire through the eye of the  turnbuckle and clamp it back onto
>>> itself? Are they for added strength? As I  said there is very little out
>>> there on how they are used or installed. To  me they seem rather useless,
>>> but
>>> everyone says to use them.
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