[TowerTalk] Non-Conductive Mast Section

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Dec 8 10:44:34 PST 2011

I want to side-mount a vertically polarized long boom 2M Yagi onto Rohn 
25 or Rohn  35 (slightly larger gauge, made for Motorola, that's not the 
official designation). I may or may not put it on a rotator, and at 
first will lock it down in the direction of the local DX club repeater. 
I have another one of the same antenna that I'll mount horizontally.

What I'm looking for are:

1) An insulated mast section, as recommended by the mfr (KLM) for 
vertical mounting

2) Some sort of suitable stand-off hardware or improvised method of doing it

3) Other hardware to make it work

One idea I've toyed with is even more primative -- bolt a horizontally 
oriented 5 ft section of 2-in mast to the tower cross-braces, and bolt 
the antenna to it. This way I don't need an insulated section,but I've 
got to be quite careful about the orientation of the horizontal piece, 
since it (alone) determines the antenna azimuth.  I've got the 5 ft 
section of 2-in, but no suitable mounting hardware.


73, Jim K9YC

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