[TowerTalk] FAA & Private Airstrips
K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Fri Dec 30 00:28:07 PST 2011
On 12/30/2011 12:34 AM, Al Kozakiewicz wrote:
> My very limited flight instruction was long ago and never put to use. I seem to recall that the downwind and base legs were no exception to minimum clearances,
Depending on the airplane, many of the smaller ones pull the power on
down wind and just glide about the last half of down wind, then base and
final with the goal of setting down on the touch down zone. I carry
power all the way into the flare and have to adjust the altitude (above
ground) according to my distance from the runway. I typically turn
final about 500 AGL and put the gear down. With the gear up I have
about twice the glide ratio of a Cessna 172 at close to 20 to 1. With
the gear down it's more like a streamlined brick.
http://www.rogerhalstead.com/833R/833r_photos.htm I just put new tip
tanks, solid state position lights and solid state strobes on it...then
had a heart attack. The plane is for sale.
> but I also recall that I was a great looking dude in those days and I doubt that was accurate either...
Been there, Done that<:-)) Unfortunately "when I had hair" I was a
skinny red headed kid with freckles who sunburned easy and now as an old
man, get to go to the dermatologist about three times a year because of
those sunburns.
"I believe" That he is in the "outer flight area" and not in a
transition area. "Typically" height limitations in these areas are 150
feet, but there are exceptions. Please note I said "I believe"! and
that there are exceptions.
> My sense is that a ham would have to be VERY close to an airport to be denied the ability to erect a typical tower. As an example, WTRY is close to the Albany County NY airport and its towers (200-300 feet based on the illumination) are either in, or practically so, the approach/departure to runway 1.
We have a guyed (and lighted) cell tower just to the right of the glide
slope on the GPS 06 approach. It's around 300 feet tall IIRC, or about
twice my altitude at that point, but it's maybe 300 yards from the
protected area which is probably 300 feet wide at that point.
OTOH I was coming back into the airport after being gone for several
hours. I was on final for 36 which is our shortest runway. US-10
expressway runs across the South side of the airport and there was a new
subdivision just South of the expressway. I was doing one of these
gentle finals that passengers like, not the steep ones I like when
something just didn't seem right. Then I realized I was looking at a
tower ahead of me. A tower with a guy installing a TV antenna on top and
I was not as high as he was. I went full power, pulled up and rolled to
the right. The port wing passed over the guy on the tower and less than
10 feet above him. The left main was probably almost close enough for
him to check the tire pressure. (Remember I'm now in a rather steep
bank). Man but that had to have been noisy as at full power the prop
tips were supersonic and that big engine is not exactly quiet. The
mufflers are straight through and only about a foot long with 3" ID
exhaust stacks and each of those cylinders is about 80 cubic inches. I'd
bet it was a bit breezy too<:-)) The airport manager had difficulty
believing when I told him , but I understand the owner called the
airport quite upset until he found he was committing a federal crime.
The tower was gone right quick. Of course as soon as people moved into
the subdivision they started complaining about the noise and tried to
get the airport closed.
I love airplanes and flying, but no way would I build just a few hundred
yards off the end of a runway.
BTW if I had hit that tower I'd have ended up parking that plane in
somebody's house which would have ruined my insurance companies day as
well as mine and my now rich widow. 100 gallons of av gas makes quite
a show.
Commercial towers are treated differently than Amateur. You don't
really want to get into an area where the tower has to be lighted. You
can get quite close and still put the antenna 20 feet above the tops of
the trees as long as you do not line up with any of the runways. OTOH
if the tops are cut out of the trees you should probably seek a quieter
> At any rate, like I said, when we wanted to put up 80 foot lighting towers, the town wanted an opinion from the FAA and we got an answer in a couple of weeks.
If an individual they used to give you an answer right over the phone,
at least in the instances with which I'm familiar.
In this case I'd be more concerned about a national park or wild life
area. It does say "National Monument.
Roger (K8RI)
> Al
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of K8RI
> Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 12:10 AM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] FAA& Private Airstrips
> On 12/29/2011 8:25 PM, Al Kozakiewicz wrote:
>> The FAA does render an opinion on these matters pretty quickly. The youth football organization I was an officer of a few years back wanted to erect lights on a field which literally overlooked the Schenectady County airport. There was no adverse finding.
>> IIRC, aircraft are required to maintain a clearance of 500 feet below. A runway glidepath is an obvious exception.
> So is being within 1.5 Nautical miles and practically under the
> pattern. 500 feet is the minimum altitude in sparsely settled areas,
> but the clearance to people and buildings is much greater. I do not have the AIM (Airman's Information manual) handy so I can't look it up, but it's not applicable to aircraft landing or taking off. So at less than 1.5 miles and pretty much under the pattern they could be almost any altitude.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI) www.rogerhalstead.com
>> FAR Part 77 covers the subject of navigation obstructions. Here is a
>> good Powerpoint tutorial:
>> http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/NR/rdonlyres/F2C1829F-7969-4A47-ADCC-64C6B6320
>> BA0/0/FAR_Part77.pdf
>> Al
>> AB2ZY
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
>> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of William Hein
>> Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 7:57 PM
>> To: towertalk at contesting.com
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] FAA& Private Airstrips
>> My family and I recently moved to a wonderful house in beautiful Glade Park CO (on the other side of Colorado National Monument from Grand Junction. The house itself is an ultra-energy efficient Earthship (Google "Glade Park Earthship" for more info). We have 35 rural acres of land around our house in a low population density rural area. All in all it's going to be a great place for ham radio.
>> I've had stations in Malibu CA (as KC6EDP and AA6TT), Tiffany CO (as AA6TT/0) and Topsham VT (AA6TT/1 and NT1Y) so I have some idea of what works and what doesn't with regard to terrain, RF and the ionosphere. In this regard my new location is superb with great 'shots' to EU and JA and elsewhere and is confirmed by the success the other ham who lives up here - Jerry K0DU - has in contests and pileups. I'm counting the days until the ground thaws and tower construction can start in earnest - I've been off the air due to a heavy workload for several years and I'm dying to be back on the air.
>> Since moving in I've noticed a small private plane passing overhead fairly low (I'd say 100 feet or less) on a regular basis and landing nearby. Checking Google Maps aerial photos I discovered a small grass airstrip with a windsock - "Pinyon Airport" - on what I believe is private land a little over 5 km SE of me (5.586 km per Google). The runway is not pointed towards my house nevertheless seeing the plane flyover directly overhead so low motivate me to Google FAA, airports and towers. Here is a picture from Google Maps of my house with a line drawn to the closest point on the airstrip:
>> http://www.aa7xt.com/
>> if you want to take a gander at my place on Google Maps yourself:
>> 39.013949 N
>> -108.744371 W
>> 479 South 16 1/2 Road
>> Glade Park CO 81523
>> The FAA Website TOWAIR indicated that "Structure does not require registration"after I plugged in my coordinates along with elevation (6840-ft ASL approx.). There are no airports within 8 kilometers (5 miles) of the coordinates you provided." TOWAIR went on to caution "TOWAIR's findings are not definitive or binding". Since "Pinyon Airport" (a rather pretentious designation for a grass airstrip with a windsock) is 5.5 km away I am guess it is either not registered with the FAA or somehow doesn't count as a real airport.
>> I have a 142-foot Big Bertha tower which I previously had installed in Vermont which I intend to reinstall here along with at least one other 100-ft + tower and a few smaller structures. For many reasons I'd hate to see a airplane run into Bertha.
>> So what should I do now? Contact the FAA for an opinion? Find out who owns the airstrip and give them a verbal or written heads up on my tower plans and also request they avoid flying low over my house? Something else?
>> 73
>> Bill
>> -----
>> William Hein, AA7XT
>> (ex-AA4XT, NT1Y, AA6TT, KC6EDP)
>> AMSAT Life Member
>> ARRL Life Member
>> UKSMG Member
>> 1st W to OH0 QSO on 6m
>> 1st North America to Asia QSO on 60m
>> Tel +1 (970) 628-5120
>> Email Bill.AA7XT at Gmail.com
>> Loc: DM59pa
>> Web AA7XT.com
>> Web twitter.com/williamhein
>> AIM / iChat / iMessage william.hein at me.com
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