Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Mon Jan 3 13:29:14 PST 2011

> Wouldn't it be feasible to simply open up the existing three-way  devices 
> and remove the two legs that are undesired?


Although not optimum (through a slow discharge of surge current to neutral), 
cutting the L/G, and N/G MOVs and leaving only the L/N MOV in a pre-existing 
3-mode SPD is certainly a possibility.  I see nothing that would violate UL 
1449 -- but I'm no expert with UL standards.

One point not mentioned before (and I think to Pete's point) -- I would not 
install any SPD device on a branch circuit without first installing a 
whole-house SPD.  I don't think that's a requirement from the single-mode 
SPD manufacturers, just my own philosophy for what that's worth!

Paul, W9AC

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