Mickey Baker fishflorida at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 18:03:19 PST 2011

Think about it for a moment... the ground path for the outlet in a residence
is likely #14 wire to the breaker panel. If there were a lightning (or other
transient) event somewhere else in your house, that single wire will carry a
portion of the current to ground. You would be counting on it to carry
almost as much - maybe more - than the protection ground from the panel to
the primary panel ground.

Not a good thing. I've seen it done and it gives me the willies. I can
almost smell smoke...

AWG 4 is, what, $75 for 100 feet? Bonding is cheap protection.


Mickey N4MB

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Dale M. Schwartz <dale at immlawfirm.com>wrote:

> This may be a dumb question, but if it is really hard and expensive to run
> a ground from the electric meter or panel box to your common ground system
> (due to accessibility and long runs) , would it make any sense to run a
> ground wire from an AC outlet in the shack to the outside ground system???
>  Would that tie the house AC electric system to the antenna/rig common
> ground?
>                                                Dale   K4ROZ
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Mickey Baker
Fort Lauderdale, FL
“Tell me, and I will listen. Show me, and I will understand. Involve me, and
I will learn.” Teton Lakota, American Indian Saying.

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