[TowerTalk] Tower Problems

K0DAN k0dan at comcast.net
Fri Jan 7 12:09:42 PST 2011

Ouch! You're to be commended for your honest confession (and I feel your 
pain)! If it was me telling the story publicly I think I'd have bootlegged 
some non-existent call.

We all have "oh sheisse" stories. No, I can't think of one for your right 
now, it'd have to be around a campfire.

My QTH is on unincorporated county land. The county has minimal (but some) 
requirements. The current tower was put up in '99. I researched, studied, 
and complied with everything I could possibly find (state & local 
requirements, manufacturer specs, NEC, grounding standards, concrete/rebar 
standards, you name it)...AS FAR AS I KNOW. So far the tower is still here 
and doing well, but I always have these nagging "..what if..." thoughts!

Hope your latest tower design is legal and sturdy!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dale M. Schwartz" <dale at immlawfirm.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Problems

> Unfortunately, I can top most of these horror stories.  For 25 years I've 
> been a volunteer lawyer for the ARRL and am supposed to be knowledgeable 
> about towers and zoning stuff.  We have helped numerous hams with tower 
> legal problems.  After being off the air for 8 years, I finally bought a 
> 55' motorized, tilt-over tower from a ham who was moving to a condo in 
> Florida.  I had my guys dig a 5' deep hole, installed the mounting bolts, 
> rebar cage, and filled it full of 48 bags of concrete which we had to mix 
> ourselves in a rented concrete mixer. Started the concrete at 4 pm. At 
> 8:30 pm we ran out of sacks of concrete mix and the hole was only 1/2 
> full!  We rushed to the store and got there just as Home Depot was 
> closing. Had to beg them to sell us 45 more bags of the stuff. Got it just 
> in time. We didn't finish pouring the concrete until 1 a.m.
> Three weeks later (I had been out of town) we erected the tower. Then my 
> next door neighbor pointed out to me that I had violated the side-line 
> restrictions on erecting towers, and if the tower ever fell over, it would 
> hit his house.  He was absolutely correct.  Rather than fight him and city 
> hall, we dug a new hole and started all over further back in the yard. 
> Now all is well.  But of all people, I should have known better!
> Abraham Lincoln said: "He who represents himself in legal matters has a 
> fool for a client."  He was so right <g>.
> Dale   K4ROZ
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