[TowerTalk] With utilities you never know

Peter Larsen ve6yc at shaw.ca
Sun Jan 16 07:28:23 PST 2011

Down state side you guys have the 811 "Call before you dig" number.
There is no excuse not to call for a locate before you dig. Simply call two 
or three days before you dig to get your marks.
In some states it is ilegal to dig with out locates. (Although this maybe 
only for comertial excavators not home owners. I don't know)
I am suprized that 'Ma Bell' gave you a depth on their facility! There is no 
locate device that will give an acurate depth. I have used
most of the top end machines in my job. Also, always, always, always hand 
expose the facility before bringing in power equipment!!

Even though I know where everything is on my property I still call before I 

If you look at the NTSB and the Common Ground Aliance statistics you will 
find that 70 to 80% of all facility damages are caused by
not having locates, or not respecting the locate marks.

Just my two cents.

Peter Larsen
Senior Locator for Enmax Power.

On 01/15/11 11:03 pm, r miles wrote:

> When I was in IL my clay  waste pipe  to the sewer system clogged with
> roots.  When the contractor dug to replace it with PVC my yard flooded.
> The incoming  city water line was wrapped around the waste pipe.
> The old 'Ma Bell' marked my line&  told me it was 3' down. We dug a 10''
> hole for a plant&   cut the line.
> Here in Tn if you  ruin  some utility without calling you pay all costs
> for repair.
> NEVER dig without calling them out for a mark.
> My sons in laws found out their septic tank  was under a concrete
> driveway.
> ....
> Assume the worst with utilities but never, never dig without calling.
> The danger&  costs could be fatal.

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