[TowerTalk] pushing a mast up at the top of the tower

K8RI on TT k8ri-on-towertalk at tm.net
Sun Jul 10 16:03:29 PDT 2011

On 7/10/2011 6:41 PM, Stan Stockton wrote:

I do it much like Stan but with two alterations. I do use a come along, 
but I attach it to a rung near the top of the tower, the cable then goes 
through a pulley down at the "saddle clamp" above the bottom 
sleeve/thrust bearing and back up to anchor on a rung opposite the one 
holding the come along.

The takes twice as much cranking, but the pull on the mast is more 
symmetrical and the load on the cross rungs is less.

Also at the anchor to the mast using the saddle clamp I have a piece of 
angle drilled to fit the saddle clamp and the in the center of the other 
side of the angle I have a hole drilled for a clevis pin making it easy 
to hook up. This is stronger than the muffler clamp and does not rust.  
it's also easier to hook up. It does take some never seize to prevent 
the SS from galling

This approach has served me well for many years.


Roger (K8RI)

> There could be a better way, but I have always used a come-a-long
> attached to the top rung of the tower and a muffler clamp around the
> mast, wrapping the cable with the hook around the mast below the
> clamp,  Loosen the bearings so it will slide through and have a short
> 2x 8 board handy to rest the mast on to reposition the clamp to go
> higher.
>    I suppose a gin pole, fully extended, with a clamp on the mast
> already through the top of the tower would also work and could be done
> with everyone on the ground until after it is extended to where you
> want it.
> 73...Stan, K5GO
> Sent from Stan's IPhone
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:06 PM, "Steve K7AWB"<k7awbgoog at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I have a 16 foot long, 2" OD steel mast about 2 feet out of the top
>> of a
>> Rohn 45 flat top section waiting antennas.  I plan to put my 2-
>> element 40
>> meter Hygain yagi at the top.  Then, I have to lift the mast (98 lb)
>> and the
>> antenna on it up about 10 feet, above the future rotator spot, in
>> able to
>> mount the OR-2800 rotator.  And then slowly lower the mast/antenna
>> into the
>> top of the rotator.
>>   What is the best way (s) to lift up the mast /combination?  Right
>> now it
>> it is secured with a TB3 bearing.  And I have another rotator plate
>> with a
>> sleeve, slightly above the future location of the rotator, that will
>> keep
>> the mast vertical when out of the rotator.  Once the mast/40 meter
>> antenna
>> is secure in the rotator, I will add the 6-element Force 12 20 meter
>> yagi 2
>> feet or so above the top of the flat plat top section.
>> 73
>> Steve Sala
>> K7AWB
>> DN17es
>> Nine Mile Falls, WA
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