[TowerTalk] Phillystran on 45G towers

Jimmy nq4u at myway.com
Thu Jul 14 06:41:29 PDT 2011

 I have 125 ft of 45G guyed with Phillystran and short runs of 1/4 inch EHS near eleveated guy post in Southern Middle Tennessee. Retensioned once due to eleveated guy post shifting. Take no shortcuts and follow the specific instructions and you will be happy with the Phillystran.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Mark Robinson" [markrob at mindspring.com]
Date: 07/14/2011 08:00 AM
To: "K8RI on TT" , towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Phillystran on 45G towers

I used 3/16 ehs with insulators on my bottom guys and HPTG6700I. phillystran
on the top guys. If I did it again I would probably use philly on both. Nice
to work with and light.

I learnt how to put the end grips on the 3/16 ehs which reduced the "pain"
considerably when it came to putting the grips on the philly.'

Mark N1UK 86 foot Rohn 45 in NC

----- Original Message -----
From: "K8RI on TT" <k8ri-on-towertalk at tm.net>;
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>;
Sent: Wednesday, 13 July, 2011 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Phillystran on 45G towers

On 7/13/2011 2:22 PM, Cal Zethmayr wrote:
> I'd like to hear from anyone that has installed a 45G and used Phillystran
> for any of the guywires? Especially want to hear from anyone that has
> done this in Florida, Georgia, Alabama or Mississippi.

Beimg in Michigan... lower Michigan, I'm in a bit cooler climate but I
have a 100' (97 ft according to the book) of 45G guyed with
Phillystran. It's been up now for close to 10 years and shows no sign
of deterioration. The bottom two tier of guys are HPTG4000I while the
top tier are HPTG6700I. They have had to be retensioned once, but
mainly due to the elevated guy anchors shifting a couple of inches even
though they weigh 17,000#. Back guying the anchors was not an option,
but would likely have kept them from shifting.

If I'm not mistaken, Phillystran is Kevlar with a strong jacket to
protect it from the elements... I just looked it up and to quote the
Texas Towers catalog "Phillystran® is an electrically transparent
nonmetallic guy cable which offers complete guy line isolation,
eliminating the need for insulators. It's constructed of Kevlar® fiber,
covered with an extruded copolymer jacket which provides full UV

You do need to use "Guy Grips" with thimbles at both ends of the guys.
Also the bottom 10-15 feet of each guy should be made up of EHS of the
proper size to protect the Phillystran from Critters, Implements, fire,
and vandals.

Prepare to expand your vocabulary when you install the first couple of
"Guy Grips". Once you get the hang of it they are *relatively* easy to
install. <:-)) The cable should be under tension when you install the
grips (recommended in the guide...ask for one to make sure you get one)
. I use a double cam like device (I've forgotten the name) to grip the
cable. I measured them to length plus enough to tie one end to a guy
anchor pole and the other to my "come along" AND allowing for the 10 -
15 feet of EHS on the bottom end. IIRC You'll need to install the
thimble at this point . I used a large screw driver with a smooth,
round, shank as a winding too. Be sure to follow the directions as to
which side of the Guy Grip to start winding first. They are color coded
and one side is slightly longer than the other.


Roger (K8RI)

> Cal Zethmayr
> W4GMH at cox.net
> Crestview, Florida
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