[TowerTalk] ICE 419B schematic

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jul 19 00:51:03 PDT 2011

On 7/18/2011 4:23 PM, Dave Hachadorian wrote:
> What usually happens when the filter fails is that one or both of
> the capacitors on the radio side of the Pi changes value.

I came to the conclusion soon after starting to use these filters 
several years ago that they are VERY under-designed in terms of the 
power handling of the capacitors.  They "sort of" hold up in line 
between my transceiver and power amp at a level of 50W or less, but they 
will fry (or change value) with 100W into real antennas.

IMO, The ONLY reliable way to use these filter sets is at the RX IN / RX 
OUT patch point of a rig like the K3, where they never see TX power but 
do protect the RX.

I've given up on mine, and now use W3NQNs.

73, Jim K9YC

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